Brain Cancer Canada is a national charity that supports people diagnosed with malignant brain tumours by funding research, technology and treatment.
There are over 120 different types of brain tumours, approximately one-third of them are cancerous. Brain cancers – like glioblastoma, which ended the life of Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip – are among the most fatal and insidious diseases we know. Most adults diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) survive on average 15 to 18 months after their diagnosis. Despite decades of research, malignant brain tumours are some of the deadliest forms of cancer, and remain the biggest cancer killer of adults under 40.
Brain cancer research is drastically underfunded. It receives less than 3% of the total funding for cancer research. With generous support from donors, Brain Cancer Canada is helping bridge the gap between ground-breaking research and life-saving treatments.
Working with Brain Cancer Canada and their agency Brand Parlour, TI Group helped to create a campaign with the goal of soliciting donations for this important cause. TI Group helped with list building for the 2200-piece personalized, addressed campaign.
We also photographed the imagery for the self-mailer in our studio, producing the front cover as well as video content for social media and presentations. The emotional imagery depicts the 15-18 month diagnosis, signifying that a person with aggressive brain cancer will likely only celebrate 1 birthday.
We printed, folded, perforated and clip sealed for final induction to Canada Post, and managed the business reply component on behalf of the not-for-profit.