TI Connect
Unlock Efficiency: Seamless Solutions for Your Operations
Our TI Connect service offers comprehensive online solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Whether it’s print on demand, graphic and asset approvals/management, or ordering portals, our team of technical project managers, developers, and print production professionals are dedicated to providing purpose-built solutions that fulfill both head office requirements and store-level needs.
Why Choose TI Connect:
- Customized Online Solutions: Our team specializes in developing customized online platforms designed to streamline print on demand, graphic and asset approvals/management, and ordering processes, ensuring seamless operations for your business.
- Client-Driven Team Composition: We understand that every project is unique, which is why our team composition is driven by your specific needs and requirements. From the scope of the project to fulfillment activity levels, distribution requirements, and service level expectations, we tailor our team approach to ensure optimal results.
- Dedicated Account Management: Our client businesses are organized by account, with each account assigned a senior Account Manager, a dedicated Project Manager, and a team of experienced production staff. This dedicated team ensures that your project is executed with pride and efficiency, from start to finish.
- Operational Excellence: At TI Group, we prioritize operational excellence to deliver success at retail. By ensuring that products are delivered at the right place and at the right time, we maximize your business opportunities and drive success in the marketplace.